Thursday, February 9, 2023


 Today we rode to the other end of the island that overlooks the end of the Berry Island chain.  There were many opportunities to hike out to the ocean or bay side and we took them.  It was really hard to winnow down my selections for the blog.  Enjoy.

On one of the ledges overlooking the ocean, you can see swirl marks
left by pooling and flowing water.

You frequently find roads that used to be paved but have not been 
maintained.  They are all over the island.  Jeep type vehicles are 
understandably very popular.

This house was almost hidden by vegetation.  The drive
was so beautiful especially with the ocean at the end.

The overlooks were constantly barraged by wind driven waves.

Meanwhile on the lee side of the island, calm water.

These overlooks are so blessed with breathtaking views.

This was a real path not just an unmaintained road.

This is an unmaintained road believe it or not.

A path to the sugar beach cave.

Pat on the trail.

The lighthouse marks the end of the Berry Islands.  There
is a narrow passage of water dividing that island from GHC.

The water just off Bullock Harbour is a popular anchorage.

Ahh, no climbing to get off and on the boat, for now.

The old sugar beach lodge where the Ratpack hung out.

This poor flamingo still finds a good use as a trail marker.

Very fancy house.

The road at the Northern tip of the island is a big loop.
This is where the two halves of the loop meet up.

The thin bit of water dividing the islands.

Tidal  flats and another island in the distance.

Another favorite place to eat Coolie Mae's.  The food is always good.

And the view is stunning!

Sugar Beach cave.  It can only be safely reached at low tide.

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