Monday, June 3, 2019

Along the ICW

There is always a lot to see if you take the time to look.  At roughly 6 mph, you have a lot of time to look.  We have been accompanied by families of dolphins on each leg of the trip.  We haven't seen as many birds as in Florida but maybe they've already gone north!  I know from our own familiar waters that the same mile of water is different every time you traverse it so I am sure this stretch of water is unique with each passage.  Since it is unlikely we'll make the trip a second time, we try and notice all we can. 
B & B Seafood was a unique docking experience.  They catch the shrimp
and sell it right on the water.  The collection of folks in the shop were worth
the stop even if they didn't sell fresh shrimp at extremely reasonable prices.
We tied up next to Obsession on the dock and pigged out on lots of great shrimp. 

The primary shrimper coming in at dusk with more treasure!

Obsession and Blue Moon anchored in Breakfast Creek.

Another gorgeous sunset, this one in Church Creek just before Charleston.
This is the point  that Janice and David would continue on while we stopped in
Charleston to visit friends.

This is a bridge under construction to replace the current bascule bridge.
The bridge tender at this particular bridge was the least friendly tender yet.
I guess she doesn't like the idea of being replaced.

The two bridges.

Sunrise over the trees and marshes.  Early morning departures were common
to take advantage of the tides.

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