Thursday, May 25, 2017

On to Venice

We tried not to rush ourselves but we wanted to get as far north as possible in case David's vertigo came back and we had to be rescued so we didn't stay at any place more than a night.  The trip from Pelican Bay to the Venice Yacht Club was our longest trip since the "incident" but all went well. The trip from Gasparilla Island up Lemon Bay is always full of different things to see.
This large truck and backhoe were being ferried across the sound
on a flat barge pushed by this little boat.  That seemed  risky venture
for such expensive machinery.

Somebody had it in for this mark.

There are 2 car ferries crossing the sound on a regular schedule.
A lot more substantial operation.

You can't miss this marina with its bright yellow office.

This bridge is new but instead of a lift bridge it swings.  We had
thought only railroad bridges were swing and new bridges were
draw (bascule)  Learned something new.

They were dismantling this old railroad swing bridge.  Only the
concrete piers were left. 

We saw several osprey nests along this stretch.  there is at least one
chick in the nest.

When you pass close to a nest, one of the parents lets you know to
stay away by calling to you or even swooping down on you.

A picture for all of our paddle boarding friends.  This guy was brave
in my mind as the winds were fairly stiff with rain pending.

One of the many boats anchored in deep pockets of water off the main channel

Pelican staking out his perch.

A perfect reflection in a quite pool of water.

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