Sunday, February 21, 2016

Race Day and Other Fun

Eric entered a challenging swim/run.  The swim is across a swift moving river then a run across the bridge to the park adjacent to the starting point.  It wasn't a super long distance but the water is cold and the swim has to be timed to avoid the swift running tide.  It made us cold just watching them get ready.  Most had some type of wetsuit.  It is a big event for the summer and folks come from all over the region to participate.  Lots of vendors come in along with a petting zoo, Genevieve's favorite.
Getting ready for the start.  The different colored caps
denote the category.

This is the bridge the group runs over.

Eric at the finish.  One of the finishers was an 82 year old woman.

About to go to the petting zoo.
Loving on the guinea pig.
She wanted to be by the goat but not friends.

Mary's street and a favorite activity to boot.


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