Monday, February 29, 2016

More Cuteness and Unique Things

Different places have different ways of doing things.  Advertising creativity on cars is always fun to look at.  Chains of stores or restaurants offer things to suit the local tastes so they're not universally boring.  And of course, who can resist a girl who loves chocolate!
Google Jucy, not sure what their advertising but the graphics are cute.

We'll have to check out the Krush bar and see what it is someday.
Bath time!

Daddy made yummy brownies.

Can I get any more in my mouth?

Penguins and Seals

At the end of Phillip Island is a park set aside for the tiny little penguins that make a home there.  We are so close to Antarctica that penguins have made their home here for centuries.  This particular species is so tiny.  They area nocturnal animal so we only saw them in resting states.  There are some amazing vistas over to the mainland where Melbourne is located and the many islands and waterways in between.  Just off the nature preserve is Seal Rock, another animal sanctuary with limited access.  The waves coming around the end of the island are very popular with surfers and they were out in large numbers while we were there.
These large geese roam freely around the park.

Little penguin houses dot the hillside.

At one of the many overlooks.

Ladybug girl being blown by the wind.

Penguin educational center and museum
One of several groups of surfers waiting for the next big wave.

Seal rock.
Penguin tucked away in his house.

Two penguins hiding under a foot bridge.

Disc Golf with Granddaughter

We spent Saturday going to Phillip Island, a 45 minute drive from here.  There as many things to do and see, one of which is Disc Golf.  We spend a fair bit of time playing in the U.S. both at home and in our travels.  Eric has played with us and has his own discs as well.  Now we have Genevieve initiated into the game.
Good Throw!!

Course map.  A nice way to find your way from hole to hole.
Dad coaching in the finer points.
At lunchtime, Genevieve had her own little niche to sit in,
a perfect fit for a little girl.

These birds are so pretty.  Their breasts are either a deep reddish pink or a bit lighter.
When they fly away in a group, the view is spectacular.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

More Grandkids

While seeing beautiful bits of natural beauty is grand, nothing beats grandkids!!!
Genevieve loves to pretend reading in a big bed.  This time it was
Grandma's turn to play along.  Her current favorites are the sailing
magazines we brought with us.  We'll make her a sailor yet!!

She also likes to play in her own bed with all her various blankies.

Franklyn is just such a happy baby.  He's still not sure what the camera is for.
Gone.  Genevieve makes quick work of popsicles on a hot day.

She loves her books!

Something Else

I have been walking the neighborhood in the evenings to both get some exercise and see what's about.  I have a strong interest in plants so often love to see what grows in different places and climates.  I also like to watch buildings and houses go up.  We extensively remodeled our own house and I have an understanding of the effort required.
There are several houses going up but this one is the only one that
seems to be actively worked.  Maybe a shortage of skilled craftsmen.

This picture does not due justice to the deep purple of the roses.

This is the yard with the purple roses.  It has a number of varieties and colors.

Along the Beautiful Coast

We took the opportunity to take a drive along the coast.  We went from this town to the next one to the north.  We stopped at several interesting spots along the way.  Dinosaur and other fossils have been discovered all along this area and there are still active searches for more.  If that isn't your fancy, then walks with breathtaking views, secluded beaches and surf spots are also here.  This stretch of the coast is a preserve so there are plenty of paths, stairways to the beaches and restrooms.  On the opposite side of the road are lots of cattle.  You won't be bored along this route unless you really work at it!
plants in a tide pool

These lines have been cut into the rock by the waves.  They almost look
like they were done on purpose but we found similar spots all up and
down the coast.
The public restrooms we've encountered have all been clean and well supplied.

Around this corner are caves where some fossils were found.  Better
to come explore at low tide.
We never tire of watching the procession of waves.  You can
see the weather hitting the far coast in the background.
One of the beautiful stretch of beach.
This rock formation is visible for miles up and down the coast.
Very ingenious system of emergency management.  In case you need
immediate help, you can give the dispatcher the number of your location
along the coast.  For foreign visitors, it lists the number to call.

Plants cling precariously to the side of the cliffs.  There are signs
posted all along the area warning of crumbling rock.  For the most
part, it looks like soft sandstone.
One of the steep staircases from the parking lot to the beach. 

David is walking on the rocks.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

South Gippsland Yacht Club

Today is Sunday.  We started by taking Genevieve to Mass with us at Our Lady Star of the Sea.  A very nice and friendly church.  From there went walked to the town center and a donut treat.  Then we went to the farmer's market and for a walk on the beach.  On our way, we saw a bunch of sailboats lined up along the beach.  We met some great people, were invited to the local yacht club and David managed to hitch a ride as crew on a Hobie 16.  We raced 16s in our 20s and then moved up to racing Hobie 18's.  Lots of great sailing memories.  David had the foresight to bring his 3mm wetsuit so he's good to go in the cold waters.  After the race, I went down and met some of the club members and we'll definitely be returning to visit and sail again.

There are many boats that would be familiar to American sailors such as the
Hobies, lasers and the Mirror dingy (ok maybe that last one is more familiar
to the people who built one as a teenager like David did.  This boat is called a
Sabre but in the states, a sabre is a line of monohulls.  If you enlarge the picture
you'll see the sabre design on the sail.
This is a catamaran built in Australia.  They have hard chines but
kick-up rudder and no centerboards to make surfing the shoals easier.

Boats timing the start.  There were a variety of catamarans, board boats and home-builts. 


Race Day and Other Fun

Eric entered a challenging swim/run.  The swim is across a swift moving river then a run across the bridge to the park adjacent to the starting point.  It wasn't a super long distance but the water is cold and the swim has to be timed to avoid the swift running tide.  It made us cold just watching them get ready.  Most had some type of wetsuit.  It is a big event for the summer and folks come from all over the region to participate.  Lots of vendors come in along with a petting zoo, Genevieve's favorite.
Getting ready for the start.  The different colored caps
denote the category.

This is the bridge the group runs over.

Eric at the finish.  One of the finishers was an 82 year old woman.

About to go to the petting zoo.
Loving on the guinea pig.
She wanted to be by the goat but not friends.

Mary's street and a favorite activity to boot.