Friday, December 19, 2014

Fixed at last!!!

If you read my first blog post for today, December 19, you might remember the woes of plumbing but I can now joyously claim to have running water once again!  It was a dirty, nasty job with a lot to clean up but it now works and we have a place to sleep.  One downside of living on a boat is that when anything needs to be repaired, replaced or changed you have to move everything out of the area to be worked in to some other part of the boat.  This time the bad hose ran from the galley (kitchen) sink all the way back to the locker in the back of the boat.  The routing had the hose go under the floor and through 2 bulk heads and three stringers.  David had to sew the two hoses together so that we could use the old hose as a messenger.  We also had to make some of the holes larger to fit the new, rigid hose through.  We spent about 4-5 hours but it was well worth it.  Of course, once I get around to buying that winning lottery ticket, I will gladly add to the local economy and let someone else do the work!

We were just heading out when we heard the sound of running water pump.
That led to a search of what the cause.  Turned in to a bad spot with a bad break.

We had to move everything from the aft cabin and galley to the forward part of the boat.
Not much room to maneuver for sure.

This didn't just leak, it exploded!

This was and will be again, our bed.  You can see one of the cockpit
lockers through the opening at the end of the bed.  The round thing is our
water heater.  It heats on electric but it is an issue too as it quit heating
when the engine is running. We've been trying to "burp" an air bubble out
the entire trip.

Grandpa's sewing circle did the job.

YeeHaw, running water!!!

What a beautiful sunset to end the day.

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