We came in the Clearwater Pass at low tide and tried to come around the point to the Clearwater Yacht Club. We've made the trip many times and know to hug the marks on the left side of the channel. To add to the drama, we had told our traveling companions about this great anchorage. All we have to do it get to it. There are no pictures of this phase of the trip because I was too busy hitting every sandbar (one twice) then getting us off. After a very embarrassing span of eons, we made it around and Free Bird was able to see where not to go and come in with only a bump. Morning Star was a few hours behind and came in with a rising tide. David took the dingy around to guide them in just in case! Once we were settled it was time for a short nap. As seems to have become a tradition, we're in Clearwater the same time our friends CeCe and Craig are down visiting family. They came and picked us up and we had a super meal at the original Frenchy's. If you are ever in Clearwater, this is the place to eat. On Sunday, getting to Mass was a combination of a dingy ride and a short walk. Traveling by boat is always an adventure requiring flexibility in your mode of transport
. After church and a delicious Sunday Brunch at the club, I went for a walk to take some of the pictures I missed coming into the anchorage. This time I had the vantage point of being on top of the bridge.
Looking out to the gulf from the bridge. The greener the water, the shallower it is. |
Clearwater Beach |
Unique view from the crest of the bridge. You can see the birds love
to sit and fish from the vantage point of the bridge's protective barriers. |
The stretch of water where I found all the shallow spots.
After clearing the bridge, you turn left, go around that spit of sand the back
around that bit of land then around the corner. Piece of cake! |
Clearwater YC and her docks. |
Our fellow gulf crossers. Free Bird is heading on down to Port Charlotte and
Morning Star is on to Naples. It was great meeting them and we hope
to cross paths in the future. |
St. Brendan's. Like most churches in Florida during this time of year,
the pew are full of snowbirds. This one however, is much more active and
lively than ones we have been to in the past. We'll be back! |
A very cool antique. It is a Hereschoff design and such a beautifully
maintained vessel. They are down from NY and have found their
spot to spend the winter. |
There was enough spray to coat the boat in a layer of salt. We took the panels off
and gave them a good freshwater rinse by pouring bottles of water on them.
We'll do a better job on the whole boat once we're in a slip with a better supply of water. |
The view from our back window. |
This house had an amazing array of sculptures filling the entire front yard.
All of them were made with a variety of seashells. |
The view from our bow. |
This is the home of Winter, the star of the movie A Dolphins Tale. More on this
place in the next post. |
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