Friday, December 19, 2014

Bird Sanctuary

Another nice thing Larry did for us was show us where to anchor in the bay.  We only had time to explore one behind a bird sanctuary.  We loved it so much that we ended up staying for several days.  We used the dingy to go up in some tight spots using only the oars so as not to disturb the roosting birds.  We saw an incredible variety of pelicans, rosette spoonbills, herons, osprey, egrets and amazing to us, vultures.  We also learned how to row with each of us handling an oar.  We had read about the technique and decided to give it try.  It is actually a nice way to sit side by side and share the effort.  We really enjoyed the stop and look forward to exploring Larry's other recommendation on our way to Davis Island YC.
This is a great partnership  between several groups.  These islands were created by spoil
dredged out when the channel to a phosphate plant was dug.  They in turn maintain
the bird sanctuary under the auspices of the Audubon Society.

Bird outhouse.  All that white is just what you think it is!  Fortunately
we were not down wind from the site.

There were several clumps of driftwood that had been washed up over the years.
This was the most spectacular pile.

Gray heron and vultures.  Strange combination.

Ibis hunting in the mangroves.

This inlet was quite deep and long.  Very mucky so I'm glad we didn't
ever have to get out and push the dingy.

Pelicans and more vultures.

Mangrove roots reaching into the mud.  This bush is the best
water filtration systerm.  Even the leaves taste salty if you bite them.

This osprey was sitting on a palm stump surveying the water on both
sides of the island.

Some storm blew this large tree over.  It must have been recently
since the leaves were still quite gree.

This vulture was on his own.

The nearby powerplant was always a good indication of which way the
wind was blowing.

Another spoil island that are all along the ship channel up to the port of Tampa.
The charts show most of them to be water or swamp in their centers.

The spoil islands have been there a long time.  The trees growning on
them are quite large and well established.

Blue Moon on a sparkling sea.

Full moon over Blue Moon

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