Monday, February 10, 2025

Moving on to Boca Grande Pass

 We wanted to get some sea miles behind us so we jumped offshore from Tampa Bay to Charlotte Harbor through the Boca Grande Pass.  This is about a 73 mile trip with our speed being 4-5 kts.  This means a long day!  We were familiar with both passes but preferred to leave early rather than arrive late and anchor in the dark.  Not every boat is lit up at night as they should be so better to be able to see where you stop.  This meant we left well before sunrise which is always sporty when you have to dodge other vessels headed out into the gulf to fish.  David was on the bow lighting up marks so I could navigate down the river and out into the gulf.  The old saw "It's always darkest before the dawn"  is not an exaggeration.  "Dark as the inside of a cow" as David puts it.  Anyway, once the sun showed up and we had plenty of water around us and under us, we were much happier.  It was another windless, calm passage so the only downside will be when have to refuel and watch the dollars disappear.  We found a new anchorage near the southern end of Charlotte Harbor and settled in.  Red Tide is in the area and setting my sinuses dancing and not in a good way.  We'll see if symptoms can be controlled and to see if we head offshore to clearer waters or press on down the ICW. 

The first fish of the trip.  Too bad it wasn't good for eating
so we threw it back.

Moonset the night at Emerson PT.

The rosy fingers of dawn reflected on the water.

Sunrise, a very welcome sight.

David is doing one of his regular engine checks.
We had used the engine so much more than
usual, he is extra vigilant to make sure all fluid
levels are correct and belts tight.
Our bunk is next to the engine area so is also his
work surface.  One reason we'll never have expensive bedding!

1 comment:

  1. I love your adventures so much!! Great pictures too Pat!! Thank You!!
