Monday, February 10, 2025

Emerson Point Preserve

 Our time at the yacht club was up so we left the dock and went a few miles down the Manatee River and achored off of Emerson Point Preserve.  This is always one of our favorite places to visit on our cruises south since there is always something new and amazing to see.  It is mostly left natural and while we saw signs of damage from the hurricanes, it is still full of wildlife and beauty.  The observation tower gives a spectacular 360 degree view of Tampa Bay, the ICW, the Manatee River and Snead Island.  We walked as many of the trails as time permitted and covered over 3 miles so we got on steps in today!

This little tiki hut was on the beach where we landed
the dinghy.  Someone's afternoon of creative fun.

Many trees were downed by the storms.  This
one was a particularly pretty example of
pine heartwood.

An educational and practical display of bee 
habitats we can make.

One of the many raised pathways through the
mangrove and ponds.

There are so many waterways within the preserve
that you can launch your kayak or canoe and 
spend hours exploring.

Beautiful birds amon the ruins of downed trees.

Emerson Pt. Welcome center.

A flock of ibis.

They had a group of agave plants that had been
fenced off.  Not sure if it was for our protection or 
the plants.

Mangrove roots at low tide.

A map of the park area.

The observation tower with the commanding views.

Tampa Bay.  If you zoom in, you can see the
 Sunshine Skyway Bridge in the background.

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