Saturday, February 18, 2023

Little Harbour 3

 We walked a fair bit and came across so many funny, interesting and odd things.  Enjoy.

This house is right on the beach at high tide.  You can see the
debris line just below the stairs.  Too close for my comfort.

Cute, well stocked mini-library.  We left a book we had finished
and took a new one.

There were several of this painted conchs along a fence wall.

One of the many paths we wandered down just to see
where they would lead us.

Some had deeper foliage than others. 

How do you not follow this path?  Of course, we did!

Just what every tiki hut needs a skeleton pirate and his
skeleton parrot.

This was a lovely garden in a house's front yard.  The stones
were heart shaped.

This is the school.  We saw 4 students all remote learning
on their computer stations.  Recess was games on the beach.

Having had a slingshot as a kid, I would loved
to have had the power of one this sized.

This multi-level deck provided the owner with views of the
Sea of Abaco and the Atlantic.  Looks scary to me.

The Path to Somewhere was long and winding through
many layers of plants but it lead to the ocean.  Well worth
the side excursion.

Well, if you can't have pirates you can have characters 
made from a variety of fishing buoys.  Each had their
own inscription that you can read if you zoom in.

A new house being built on the beach. 

A view of the village from the ocean side.  The houses look
all nestled among the greenery on different levels of the hill.

This welcome sign explains that the village is self sufficient.
All their power is provided by solar and water from rain catchment.

1 comment:

  1. Wow this place is cool - everything from the mini library and Path to Somewhere, to the Pirates and the painted conch shells. And powering the town with the elements! Smart and fun peeps :)
