Saturday, July 6, 2019

The Empire State Building

This was a stop we nearly didn't make.  It was not inexpensive and we'd already spent a lot (to us anyway) just getting to Manhattan so we passed by after checking prices.  Over lunch, the tourist part overruled the miser part and we went back.  It was a great stop and our kids don't need to inherit that much anyway.
The Chrysler building.  It isn't open to tourists but it is still such
an icon of the Manhattan skyline.  Who can forget the Staypuf Marshmallow Man.

The detail of the tower that can only be seen from above.

A bird's eye view of cleaning taking place.  That is a lot of scaffolding!

The view looking up the island.

This was from the ground, the ESB in clear reflection on a neighboring facade.

Another view from a high spot.

The detail of the building's facade.  Art Deco all the way.  That little
line is one of the lines used to bring window washer platforms up the
side of the building.  Way too thin for my preference!

A look up to the mast.  It was originally thought that blimps could land
there and be tethered to the top but the designers were clueless about
the effects of winds aloft on a lighter than air machine.  It never happened.

A view down the island.

The density was eye popping.

The famous Flatiron building.  The details in its facade were amazing.

Flatiron from ground level.

Towards the Hudson River.

Designed to keep people in who might be inclined to lean too far over the edge.

But wait, there's more!

The convergence of the Hudson and East Rivers as they join to flow
into the Atlantic.

This was a very clean glass that allowed for a great reflection.

That shiny building's top from the previous page.

This new construction seemed so thin.

We took a picture of a family and they returned the favor.  The people at the
top were all taking each other's photos.  No one refused the request.

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