Friday, February 1, 2019

Boot Key-First Week

We are getting into the harbor groove or vibe or whatever.  We've taken care of getting some needed boat parts ordered, some essentials such as a working hair dryer ordered and done a bit of grocery shopping.  We also made a side trip to Key West (more to follow in separate post) and caught up on laundry.  We've had some issues with our chartplotter (the thing that lets us steer to a point, tells us where we are and other nice things) and after a few weeks of research, talking to Ray Marine and troubleshooting we found that a card was the problem.  Fortunately, it was still in warranty by about 10 days so we were able to get that exchanged at the local West Marine.  Our tachometer has been an issue for a while and we decided to bite the bullet and replace it.  Turns out not to be such an easy thing since we have "vintage" equipment that it has to be compatible with so we need a no-longer-made gauge.  We thought we had a solution and it arrived and wasn't quite a perfect solution so the hunt continues.  Those are just a few of the things that face cruisers. It could be worse we we try not to be too upset.  We're still waiting for a mooring ball but the wait list shrinks with every day of good weather as boats head off to the Bahamas or other ports.  Our day will come!
This was the best night time shot of all the anchor lights.  There are bright white, blueish tinged LED by the dozens.
It really is a stunning sight to see.  

This is in the mooring field area.  The nice rows of  boats with the same distance
between them.  This ensures that there are no unexpected bumps in the night!

The community garden.  Mostly herbs this time of year but lovingly managed.

After Hurricane Irma made her call, the buildings all needed a fresh coat of paint
after repairs.  A local artist added their touch.  This is the end wall of the bath house and
laundry building.  The sign is an educational one concerning the coral reefs
surrounding the keys.

This coral garden holds examples of the various types of hard corals found in the area.

This is our main cabin set up for super.  We have homey touches with pillows,
afghans, pictures and a calendar featuring kids and grandkids. 

This pipe fish seemed to be in love with our aft boarding ladder.  He hung there for a long time.

We could see nothing that would attract him but he was persistent.  Click on the
pictures to see the fins better.  They were like hummingbird wings fluttering so
rapidly to hold him in place. 
This is how we spent our Friday evening.  Meeting new folks, helping to celebrate birthdays and
enjoying the talents of other cruisers.  Life if truly blessed.

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