Monday, February 26, 2018

And We're Off Again

Finally, we have enough projects behind us to get off the dock.  It took us longer than expected due to some medical issues that needed to be resolved and injection pump issues that needed to be resolved and at the last minute, potty issues to be resolved!  This will be an abbreviated trip compared to last year but, hey, we're on the water enjoying the fruits of our labors.  We have no firm destination but would like to make it at least as far as Clearwater/St. Pete area.  If we don't get a weather window to cross the gulf by March 1, we'll simply explore along the panhandle of Florida and maybe points west of home.  Wherever we go will be good.
Our heros!  Joan and Lee saw my post about needing to return to the dock and
drive to Pensacola to pick up a part for our head (toilet)  They generously offered to
pick it up and bring it to us.  That saved us several hours and we had the part
installed and checked that night.  We went to Mass and brunch and then took off
again to the same spot we had been at the night before.  Great to have great friends.
We always want more fresh fruits and veggies but didn't have a good place with plenty of
ventilation to stow them.  An idea in Cruising World magazine gave me the solution!
I managed to get them installed during the provisioning process.

The weather did not behave according to the forecast.  We left the dock just
ahead of a front. A double reefed main and half  reefed jib still has us flying down the bay.
The storm behind us.  Amazingly we saw almost no rain from it.
We had clearing enough to get somewhat of a sunset on our first night out, version  2

Monday morning dawn just as bad as yesterday.  Once it let up enough to pull
anchor we took off.  This is the tail end of the front.  It did rain quite a bit last
night but that washed all the salt spray off so a good thing.  Best of all, NO LEAKS.

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